Warning ::: Very very very long boring post ahead... because I'm a pig and I love to cram everything up in one entry... Quantity vs. Quality. I choose "Quality". LoL Peace!
I'm not gonna emphasize much on the title... It just so happened today is ANZAC Day and a public holiday for us. Cheers~~~ But it has been anything but cool for me. My PC kena virus leh~~!!! That's what I think anyway. It is superlag... I might need to reformat it. Crappy. And the laptop fan is not working. =.= C'mon! However, I really appreciate those who tried to save my baby pc. U know who u are. ^___^ Thanks, mates! Especially Jia Chee. U be the next computer co-ordinator lah! Hehe.
Well, went to the city for a second 'meet-up' with Furfur. This time Jia Yi didn't join in because of assignments haih. Anyway, Furfur brought us around Melbourne Uni. One word to describe my rojak feelings... 'WHOA~~~ O.O'. It's like stepping into a historical place. So classy. Jia Chee and I were taking pics like crazy while Furfur flashed us the 'I-don't-get-it-what's-so-nice-about-that?' expression. Everything was so fascinating!! LoL Totally different from Monash Uni. (Not that I have any problem with Monash. Don't sue me.) Pictures below for those who are interested... Erm... Furfur, JieYen n JiaChee, tell me if u want me to tear any of the pics down. XP
This is the grand entrance of a...... carpark... ^_^ll Oh my...
Furfur : 'This is where I belong...' *point with the specs to complete the pro look*
After the tour of Melbourne U... we did a lil' shopping and had lunch in a Malaysian Restaurant at Chinatown. Spicy... nah. But I liked it since i'm not very picky. Anyway, Jia Chee had her worst 'Fuk Kin Mee'. Haha. Even I didn't like it. Later we went to this cute bubble tea place. It might not be clear from the pic but we're sitting on swings!! XDXD And the bubble tea costs $3.50 each. God... Back home it costs RM3.50. =.=
Oh well, ok. That's all about the city trip... Can't really remember anything interesting since it was more than a week ago. LoL Oh... speaking of a week ago... We had this black out at Clayton Campus last Monday. I had the most hectic day ever. I had two assignments due that day. One was to be submitted electronically... which I haven't at that time. And another one required a Cover sheet... which I haven't print. To sum it up, I have a Japanese test in the afternoon and two webtests due that night. I was almost crying when I realized the whole campus including the Halls blacked out. Luckily everything was settled on time. Phew... The only good thing out of the whole stupid black out was having the next day off! XDXD How cool is that? And my test was postponed~
Ok... what else? Oh!! I had beef steak for dinner!! XDXD Beef is LOVE. I gobbled up the steak before I could take a picture of it. Oh well, here's a pic of Salmon fried by JiaChee and Junk fried by me! XD Don't even try to compare them. Grr~
And I saw a big spider in my room. Cute... I lost track of it when I was grabbing the thickest book in my room (BIOLOGY 7TH EDITION). Found it dead on my bed the next morning. Crushed by me when I was sleeping. I didn't mean it. R.I.P, mate. T_T
April... celebrated Sharon and Matt's birthday. Handmade card by Jia Chee for Sharon and a portrait of Matt for him... also by Jia Chee. What have I contributed to the presents? =P Goyang kaki? Oh I wrote the messages!! And signed my name on both ta-da!! LoL Seriously, Jia Chee is one of the most creative person I've met so far. *thumbs up*
I wrote Happy Birthday in French! XD
U can compare this pic to the one in my previous post. XD
We were talking about the Hall's Ball when Sharon started showing off her hot dresses!!! And before I knew it, they were having dress up session! XD Man, It made me miss the times we paksa Jolynn dress up in a skirt. J looked hot in the dress and she's not afraid to admit it. ^_^ Yeng! Christina has a nice back and surprisingly, she is very good at doing hair. And Sha~~~ U're sizzling! XDXD
Some random pics...
I dedicate this pic I took while I was shopping for groceries to... ZhongZhong, who else? =P
Pics when we dressed up as nuns for the Farrer Olympics. Wakaka... Classic. XP
P/S :: When we were walking out the kitchen after dinner, Pants are Optional walked passed us into the bathroom with only a red underwear on. Singing this horrible song. I didn't see anything much(in case you're wondering =p) because Jia Chee was standing in front of me, stunned. XD He saw us and went, 'HI, GUYS!!'. Walauweh~~~ We were laughing so hard tears started spilling.
Thankyou lei!
haha,nvmla,nw no present,when u come back from aus,i'll sure 'chase' it from u...hahaha
take careZzzz
pictures means a thousand words.(errr. am i correct?) anyway, THESIS again =D hah. It's fun and i get to know your life a little better. Oh yea, next time i will show up and lead you to buy BAK KUT TEH. i promise* Take care yea.
Georine : U want nougats as birthday present?? ^_______^ Wakaka... aiya, I bring a leng zai angmoh back for u lah. Ok? Happy? LoL XP Take k!
Jia Yi :: Of coz u must lead me to the Bat Kut Teh o~~~ I crave for it for so long dy. T_T Yeah, pictures means a thousand words... but why I posts so many pics still write more than thousand words one? lol Take k!!!
Wei wei wei.. wheres the 5 things thingi? lol. naw, typed tht just to bug u.
nyway. was reading n enjoyin the pics. yeah, now i know who to look up if i want a glimpse of aus. ur games/olympic? session 's so cool la. i mean the towel and head not the hands on the floor part.
haha, yeah sure brings back memories. trying to dress me up? LOL. tht was pricesless man.
Hey, waitaminute!! How come i dont see YOU in a dress? not fair wei..
and uh 1 last thing. am thinking of buyinn a camera. urs looks pretty good. unless u edit the pics la.. haiz. model?
oh. heres a get well soon for ur lappy!
Aiyaaaa. totally forgot to write bout p[ants are optional cus i was thinking of saving it for last. anyway..
WAHAHAHAHHHHHTTT1?!?! why didnt u see anything? why didnt u take a pic? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????
*yes, picture me laughing my ass off HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA*
u shoiuld have went like, "hey sup dude? my, wad nice pants u have on. mind givin me a min to get my cam? i simply MUST get it for a pal of mine - u can use my name here i wouldnbt mind-"
Jolynn :: Wakaka, I can't think of anything weird of myself. I'm juz too normal, u see. =P And well, the cameras weren't mine. I could ask about them for u if u want. ^_^ Yeah, man!! Miss dressing u up. How was the makeover? XD Can't wait to see the changes in u when i get back LoL. Don't get too attractive, I'm gonna fall in love with u. XDXD Oh, my fren reformatted my lappie for me dy. Hehe. And Pants are Optional... I was thinking of saying 'Man, that's HOT!! the next time I see him in his underwear again. Muahaha, just to freak him out a lil'. As for his pic... I'll ganbatte juz for u!! XD
BTW, those were pillow cases on our head... Imagine a bunch of nuns playing three-legged race and water balloons. LoL I have plenty of other pics of other groups : Nerds, Clowns, Doctors, Gothic, Soldiers, Cowboys, etc. Hahah... interesting, I'm glad u enjoyed the pics. And oh... U don't see me in any dress bcoz those are my fren's... and she's thin... and u know lah... Haih...
i cant stop laughing when i read jo's comment
chagia, we will leave the pants r optional to her(high potential to be a hxxtai,she hav grown up~)i din say that~lol~
and thanks for the pic! i love it!
actually i thought for a while "y pumpkin" before i go like "oooh, y hor~" haha...hey hey, not that i forgot my dear dear sungmin is that i m too used to calling him "tu tu" nvm bout that
anyway..then entrance to car park is really think if someone(the melbourne-u student) caught u taking pic like a tourist there "what's that bunch of gals doing infront of the car park? i mean its the CAR-PARK" lol
maybe they r too used to it
and p/s, i dun wanna see ur next blog titled "my first nite" :P
u know what i mean...
zhongzhong :: Oi oi nanda you omae wa? ^_^ll My first night. Choi! Anyway, i agree with u... Pants are Optional can go with Jolynn. LOL Oh gawd... this is juz sooo wrong. Y r we discussing about guys in my blog? o.o Memang crapnest to the core... Anyway, we seriously macam tourists saje... Macam 38. Even fur fur cannot tahan us hahaa... but she also very excited. Like tour guide. Like showing us her motherland or something lol.
heeeeey!! :)
hehe thx for the card ^_^ and thx for the surprise... :)
ur blog is...hmm.. fun ^_^ :D
cheers :)
Hi, Sha! Thanks for visiting!! *hug* Must come back... lah! XD LoL See ya!
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